• Abstract art for the modern home

Why art?

Creating art allows me to live in my authenticity and lets me express myself in the most natural and organic way.

I enjoy the freedom that comes from creating abstract works and love exploring new mediums, textures, colours, and movement. I let my surroundings, experiences, and inner world inspire and guide me.

In a way I think art isn't something I chose to do, it's something I needed to do. I view it as my form of self-discovery and a part of my evolution as an individual.

I believe that every person can benefit for art, whether that be actually creating a piece of work, being involved in a creative process, or having a piece of art in their home or space. Art can evoke powerful emotions, whether that be healing, happiness, intrigue, or curiosity. It is my hope as an artist to create work that makes people pause, look deeper within, question things, find different perspectives, or simply feel positive emotions. I thoroughly enjoy hearing other perspectives of my artwork and I would LOVE to hear from you!